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Home » » Photoshop Tutorial : How to make a splashed milk Typography

Photoshop Tutorial : How to make a splashed milk Typography

Hey guys 
Today a new tutorial about making a milk splash typography 
I hope you like it 
so as always here is the final result

So to sum up 
here are the steps 

  1. Typing
  2. Adding milk splashes to letters 
  3. Adding some effect 

Step 1 :

-open a new image then make a gradient like below 
 you could use these colors  0899ff  and  a4e0ff

-then type the word you like
 as down here

after that we are going to add the milk splash effect 

Step 2 :

Now you can take grab some milk splashes textures from the internet or you could just download it from 

Here I chosed that one 
so select the part you need then copy and past it into the main Image 

-Place it over the letter like this and make sure to place it in the position that make the  right impression 
 like that , then change its blend mode to color dodge or linear dodge 
 it will look like this.
-Now add other milk textures  to the letters also in the right position like that 
 with changing its blend mode to linear dodge .

-Now put all the layer in a group because you are going to need more layers so you dont  miss it up .
 Now head for the second letter, but the top of the letter is flat so Im gonna make another  effect like a splash.
 result from something crashes into it like below

-then add it to the image into the desired letter , like below but also remember to change  its blend mode to
 linear dodge .

then add more textures ,more and more .

then .........
it will result like that to the second letter
 I also made it into a group named as the letter name .
Now do the same to the other letters . here is the final letter .

And more........
it is getting easy all the way . right ?!

Now Im gonna add another effect , like im pouring the milk from a cup or something .
and add here as you may like but if you notice I made that layer’s blend mode to Screen .
Now I add what I could to the letters , so Im going to skip to Step 3 .


Step 3 :

Now we are going to add the background effect 
Now grab some textures and choose the poured drops of milk , select it and past it into the main image .
like that .

and edit it like that below .

Add another drops of milk like before but from other textures so as it doesnt look like it is repeated .
spread them around the image 
then change their mood to screen 
SO , We are going to add shape blur to them
 - Hide all other layers like below .
 - Make a copy of these layers then merge them 
 - then from Filter >> Blur >> Shape Blur , and set the value to a small number .

now we are almost done 
follow below photos .

Notice the background drops ! . it is blured and that would be the result of shape bluring .


Step 4 :  

Finalizing ....
Make a reflection for the word like below 
copy the hole layers except the background layers , then paste it again .
 CTRL+C  then  CTRL+J
then CTRL+T >> right click >> Flip Vertical  >>>>>>>>>>  reduce its opacity to 20 % .
It will look like this , and that is the final step also the final result .


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