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Home » » Photosohp Tutoeial : How To Design a Folder Icon

Photosohp Tutoeial : How To Design a Folder Icon

Hey My friends 
I wonder how many times you needed to change your folders Icon !!
so much and you searched the internet to find an icon but you couldnt find what you deserve

What about you can design your own Folder Icon ?!

well I made a simple folder icon thats commonly used in windows ,easy to design ,great look .
here is the result

so here the steps

Step 1 :

open a new image and choose the following color showe in the below window .

first generate 3 groups 

 - first group : left side of the folder
 - second -- : right side ===
 - third    ==: the tie between the two sides .

then choose the left side group then make a rectangular shape 
then transform it into the shape below 
using free transform >>> "  perspective  and scale " .
like below .

 Now choose the right side group then make a rectangular shape 
then transform it like before 
and like below also .

Now head for the horizontal group and with the pen tool make a curvy line like below
then from window " Path " right click then choose stroke path and dont check on stimulate pressure .
the result will be like that .

you can select the empty white space between them and fill it with a gradient .
but I choosed to fill it with action 
like below . I made an action to repeat the curve layer again and again to make a gradient like below .

for more information about using action to create 3D effect browse : " create a 3D effect "

here I selected the empty  space and made a gradient as the choice number 1 .


Step 2 : 

Now we are going to create a curvy corners to the folder sides .
with pen tool draw lines like below .
then CTRL+Enter to make it as a selection then with eraser erase the outer parts of the corner like below.

For the right side again choose it 
and make the same steps again to make curvy corners.

and the final result for step 2 is as below :


Step 3 : 

Now we are going to make a depth for the 3 sides 
likw a " 3D effect "

to abbreviate :
create new action - copy the layer-lay it beneath the original layer -CTRL+T then place the copied layer in the direction of the 3D 

CTRL+T :::: " make the copied layer size about .5-1% smaller and move it about 1 Px to the direction you want it to appear as a 3d . 
like below .

do that for the right side layer again .
then there the horizon layer left 
make a curvy line using pen tool then stroke path but with a brush size similar to the thickness for the 3D effect . 


Step 4 :

Now adding folder pages .
make a grey rectangular shapes like below .
then transform them into similar shapes that fit into the folder sides like below
here I added these colors to Differentiate between them .

and add the blending options to the pages
 Inner Shadow  &  Inner Glow


Step 5 : 

for adding the effects to the folder :

for the left side group : add a new layer above the left side layer 
then place the cursor on the line separating the two layers and by holding ALT click on it 
the layer will move to the right side a little . that means that any colors on that layer will not exceed the left side layer .

for more information using that technique browse : " make colorful mosaic text "

- after we made that step >> make a round selection like below then choose similar colors 
and make a gradient over the previous layer that we just made .
like below .

as you can see above I also made a rectangular selection and add a darker color on it 
just to make another depth effect .
then choose the left side layer and add these blending options to it .

for the left side layer : 

for the right side layer :

Now add the Text you wanna place it on the folder .
like below 

and here our final result 

this was a simple icon , wait for more advanced folder icons designs .
you Can view the Tutorial movie for it here :  YouTube : Design your own Folder Icon 

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I hope I added something new to your DataBase 
Thank You

Photoshop Tutorials


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